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5 Clever Interior Design Concepts That Utilise Mirrors

Feb 24, 2019


Looking to do something new with your space? We don't blame you! More and more people are releasing the impact that can be achieved by making little unique changes with major boom for your buck. In this quick blog, we want to list 5 of our favourite interior design ideas that make the most of mirrors!



At Gold Coast, we help a lot of people find the perfect mirror for their project. With our expertise, we’re able to help bring a client's vision to reality. Looking for a bit of inspiration? Check these concepts out to see if any have a place in your home. We’ll start with: 


Dressing Room Style Mirrors — Gold Coast Shower Screens in Coombabah QLD
  1. Dressing room style mirrors

They’re brave, cheeky and hugely beneficial if you find yourself frequently getting ready at night. Nothing beats natural light when it comes to working with your hands and face, but when the night calls, a mirror surrounded by strong lights is the next best thing! Every girl deserves a dressing room mirror at some point in her life. Whether you need to look your best for work or play, this is the way to get it done. Not quite sure? Just ask yourself, if your life was a movie, who would play you? And how would they get ready for the most important scenes?

Hanging Mirrors — Gold Coast Shower Screens in Coombabah QLD
  1. Hanging mirrors

Like things on the more rustic side of the scale? Then wrap an Indiana Jones-style belt around your mirror and hang it from a large nail. It looks totally “outback” and fits right in with country or period themes. Seal the deal by surrounding it with a couple of indoor plants or copper coloured ornaments.

Standing Mirrors — Gold Coast Shower Screens in Coombabah QLD
  1. Standing mirrors

Not only do they look darling, standing mirrors also have a slight leaning-back quality to them that provides a dynamic angle on the reflection. You’ll see more of the above space behind you which can take some getting used to but make it different and charming. The best thing about a mirror with legs is the ability to move it around the room. Getting bored of the same angle? Throw it somewhere else to freshen things up and get a new perception. This also helps if you have limited space and like all furniture to be flexible around your changing needs.

Standing Mirrors — Gold Coast Shower Screens in Coombabah QLD
  1. Seamless floor to ceiling mirrors

Whether it’s for a gym, dance studio or any other interior space that needs to impress, huge wall mirrors go a long way in ensuring everything in the room can be seen as clearly as possible from almost every angle. At Gold Coast, we’ve been installing such mirrors in increasing volumes and for very good reason. Not only does this concept ensure space is as bright as possible, but it also helps athletes and performers make the most of their routines and scrutinize every inch of their progress.

Opposite The Couch — Gold Coast Shower Screens in Coombabah QLD
  1. Opposite the couch

Some will love this idea and some will hate it. Those that like to be “left alone” to enjoy the comforts of the living room might not like having a constant reflection of yourself relaxing. That said, a lot of people will like the idea of having a reflection that pokes at you to spend less time sitting idle. Rarely do people get third-person glimpses of themselves and their companions in leisure mode. It can be a great way to see yourselves doing what you do best!


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